God's Word for today

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Some thoughts on politicians...

Given that this has been a crazy couple of days, what with SA President Thabo Mbeki resigning over the weekend, followed by a number of Cabinet ministers following suit today (and some of them back-pedalling shortly thereafter), these two thoughts about politicians come to mind (source unknown):
  • "Politicians and babies' nappies have a lot in common. They both need to be changed regularly, and for pretty much the same reason..."
  • "How can you tell that a politician is lying to you? His lips are moving!"

I cannot quote chapter and verse from L & D on this one, but I understand that ministers in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa are not permitted to be members of a political party (although they are free to exercise their democrtic right to vote as they see fit).

For me, this will be no sacrifice whatsoever. I once had half a mind to join a political party, but then I realised that that's all I'd need...


David said...

I think a lot of people elsewhere in the world are holding the breath hoping that the democracy of South Africe continues.

Steven Jones said...

So are we, MP ... so are we.