God's Word for today

Monday 11 May 2009

100 facts of life

These are cool! You may not agree with all of them - I didn't - but a great number of them are really profound!

1. People who spend lots of time in other people's lives are avoiding dealing with their own.
2. People who confess "I shouldn't tell you, but....." will do the same thing to you as they do to everyone else.
3. Speaking your truth is not telling other people that they are wrong and you are right.
4. If you have to ask someone else if he/she is right for you, then they probably aren't.
5. Without the journey, there is no point to the destination.
6. People who stick their head in the sand will eventually get their butts kicked.
7. What you see on the surface is rarely what lies underneath.
8. Courage is not to stand in the path of the lion, but to seek to understand why it wishes to harm you in the first place.
9. We are not born parents – we have to learn how to be parents.
10. Words only have as much power as you give them.
11. Wise people sit in silence, only then will they hear their own voice.
12. Angels are not there to do the work for us, but to show us the work to be done.
13. There is no such thing as the perfect (earthly) relationship.
14. Never put the milk in before the hot water when making a cup of tea.
15. We control nothing but our own thoughts and actions.
16. No one can make you happy except yourself.
17. It is only a mistake if you learn nothing from the experience.
18. I don't know everything, so teach me. I can't hear everything, so tell me. I won't see everything, so show me. Together we will grow.
19. There is more to life than increasing its speed (Gandhi).
20. Regrets are choices we failed to make.
21. What you hold in your heart is what you will take into the next life.
22. Just because you don't see the seed once you have planted it, doesn't mean it isn't growing.
23. It is only there because you believe it to be there. If you had believed it was not there, then it would not have existed.
24. There is no ultimate truth, because truth is merely perception combined with a judgment.
25. Gender does not exist – everyone has ying and yang traits.
26. Your experiences are not who you are.
27. Assumptions are those things we make when we are too lazy to check out the facts.
28. No one is totally objective.
29. Family is not always the one you were born into – sometimes it can be an outstretched hand and a welcoming smile.
30. You are not always going to be right.
31. Humility is the ability to admit you were wrong.
32. Character is the thing you do when no one else is looking.
33. The measure of a man is not what he carries in his wallet, but how he carries himself.
34. Speedos are not attractive – no matter who is wearing them!
35. If you give an inch, chances are you will gain a mile.
36. If you would not want it done to you, then you shouldn't do it to others.
37. If you are not dealing with reality, than all you are doing is creating an illusion.
38. Pride is a badge only a fool wears.
39. The person who knows the most is usually the one who talks the least.
40. Everyone deserves to be valued and to be loved.
41. No one has your answers but you.
42. You can only create with the tools you have, so don't hesitate to add more to your toolbox.
43. Some days are going to suck – life is not perfect.
44. You never get it wrong; you only learn another way that doesn't work.
45. It is people, not things, which give life meaning.
46. You can't take it with you when you go – no one has ever slipped a Mercedes past the pearly gates.
47. The world will not fall apart if you are not there to hold it all together.
48. It’s okay to say no - people do it all the time.
49. There are some things you will never know the answer to.
50. The future does not exist, nor does the past – you only have this moment.
51. Relatives don't always know better.
52. Skeletons in family closets will always be there to haunt you.
53. Standing in your truth means respecting the right of others to theirs.
54. You cannot hear anyone if you are talking.
55. You don't have to live life with the hand you were dealt – you can always shuffle the deck.
56. Potatoes won't grow out of your ears if you fail to wash them.
57. Adult eyes have a tendency to make the world small, yet are always looking for the big things. Child eyes make the world big, and yet are fascinated by the small things.
58. We should try to see not how people with disadvantages are different from us, but how they are the same.
59. It is easy to be a big fish when you live in a small pond.
60. Adults should not let children take responsibility for their (i.e. the adult’s) life choices.
61. No matter how shitty a job your parents did, eventually you have to take responsibility for your own choices.
62. Those who seek enlightenment will never find it.
63. If you need to say it, say it now. If you need to do it, do it now.
64. The biggest regret of those whose time is cut short is all the things they never said and all the things they never did.
65. We only have the moment we are in.
66. You don't need an inner critic – you need to be your own best friend.
67. Change requires action.
68. Misery likes company.
69. We have to be careful that helping doesn't turn into enabling.
70. Not everyone is going to like you, and you are not going to like everyone.
71. Stuff happens – that's just life.
72. Everyone should grow fairy wings and splash in the puddles occasionally.
73. If you keep doing for people, they will never learn to do it for themselves.
74. “Please” and “thank you” are highly underrated.
75. Nothing is more contagious than a smile.
76. The best gift you give anyone is your time and patience.
77. Patience is the ability to understand that it is not always about you.
78. There are many rivers which lead to the same ocean – you just have to be willing to look for them.
79. True beauty is not determined by a look, but by a thought and a deed.
80. Time stands still for those who are in the moment, not rushing by it.
81. Having knowledge does not make you wise – this requires knowing as well.
82. Meditation does not require whale music and contortions, just the ability to go to your happy place.
83. You are not going to see the bigger picture until you have all of the pieces.
84. No matter which way you place it, tofu turkey is not turkey.
85. It is wise to take a moment before you take a step – that way you get a chance to see where your feet are going to land.
86. You may have a seed of greatness within you, but you still have to nurture it.
87. Everyone has to find their own pathway.
88. You are not limited to one act of greatness in your lifetime.
89. The only way to stop an argument is to find a solution.
90. Everything you do or say will come back to you eventually – it just may not be in a form you are expecting.
91. Asking for help means you are smart enough to get the things you need to create the life you want.
92. Just because one chapter in your life is closed doesn't mean you cannot write another one.
93. People are not perfect, and we all need a break every now and then.
94. Never leave unsaid words in a room.
95. Nothing is ever about what is we think it is about.
96. Boundaries are the things adults use to make sure that no one colours outside of the lines.
97. Every one is more than they believe themselves to be.
98. Every footprint counts, no matter who made it.
99. Love will always be the way.
100. Lists fall under the category that it seemed like a good idea at the time!

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